काठमाडौं। गत महिना असारमा निषेधाज्ञाले प्रभावित घरजग्गा बजार उपत्यकामा भएका ठूला कारोबारले मात्रै धानेको थियो।निषेधाज्ञा खुकुलो भएसँगै साउनमा भने उपत्यका बाहिर…
Buying real estate is a very challenging task. If you are a first-time buyer, you should be more aware while…
Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal which has more historic, artistic, cultural, and economic value than other areas. Talking about…
FinTech Financial technology or FinTech is all about finance and banking, while, PropTech is all about real-estate. Both of these…
भूमि व्यवस्था, सहकारी तथा गरिबी निवारण मन्त्री पद्माकुमारी अर्यालले डिजिटल प्रणालीबाट मुलुकभरका जमिन पुनः नापजाँच गर्ने कार्य भइरहेको बताउनुभएको छ…
कोरोना रोकथामका लागि हामीसँग भएको तीनवटा मात्रै विकल्प हो । पहिलो कोरोनाको भ्याक्सिन, दोस्रो कोरोनाको औषधि र तेस्रो विकल्प भनेको…
Have you ever visited Nepal? Or planning to visit? Here are some information about The Himalayan Nation. Nepal is a…
10 Steps on buying homes Analyse your money in order Specify your income generating sources Specify your mortgage property if…
Whether you are thinking of buying a house in Kathmandu or anywhere else in Nepal, it is always stressful to…
Budget Higlights: 1. Loan up to Rs 7 lakhs against academic certificate at 5% interest rate 2. Expansion of health…