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6 Steps to Get Rid of Mold and Mildew on Your Walls

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One of the common nightmare for all the homeowner is mold and mildew. They not only make your wall look ugly, but they can cause health hazard as well. Molds grow in our home because they offer the ideal conditions for it to grow: moisture, warm air, and materials to feed on, such as wood, carpet and dust. If you have noticed, these molds usually appear in a rainy season. The reason is due to a general increase in the humidity.

How does mold affect health?

Mold can cause a whole host of health problems and the following individuals are especially at risk:

  • Babies and children
  • Elderly people
  • People with existing skin problems, such as eczema
  • People with respiratory problems, such as allergies and asthma
  • Those with a weakened immune system, such as those undergoing chemotherapy

The world’s 300 million cases of childhood asthma is linked to prolonged exposure to indoor dampness and mold, according to the World Health Organization. If you are suffering from asthma, then you tend to be allergic to mold. Also, in case you breathe in spores, it can cause asthma attacks. If you think you are healthy, and you are not allergic to molds and mildew, then you might be wrong. Healthy people can to have negative impacts of these molds. They lead to symptoms including upper respiratory tract problems, shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Similarly, people who live in damp and moldy homes face an increased risk of depression as well.

How to get rid of molds and mildews?

If you are wondering of how to get rid of these molds, then worry not. Here is a list of 6 easy steps to get rid of these monstrous molds.

  • Step 1: Get your hands on some chlorine bleach. You’ll need about half a cup to prepare 4 liters of solution.
  • Step 2: Get a 1/3 cup of ordinary washing powder (detergent).
  • Step 3: Heat up 4 liters of water to lukewarm temperature and mix in the chlorine bleach and detergent. Stir with a long-handled spoon or old spatula. Now pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Step 4: Put on some rubber gloves and spray the mixture on the mildewed area of the wall. Using a sponge, gently scrub off the top layer of mildew. Reapply and scrub until all the mildew has been removed. Make sure not to scrub too hard, or you’ll mess up the paint. If the mildew is on the ceiling, use a step-ladder and a mop to clean it up instead of a sponge.
  • Step 5: Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water and allow some time for it to dry up. You can point a pedestal fan at the wall if possible to accelerate this process.
  • Step 6: Repaint the area with anti-mildew paint if you can find some. If you can’t, good quality paint from a reputable manufacturer should do.

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